Saturday, October 07, 2006

14th Ramadhan

this is the pulut pagi we were talking about. Now i know why Gtote said not to rendam - bit soft. Would be nicer and sweeter if I had used all nise. Still, 2 out 3 kids liked it, so kira okaylah. Posted by Picasa


RHY said...

the pulut you buat in little lumps macam you serve wajik or one big lump macam pulut kuning? and what's that white thing beside it? makan ngan gula lagi ke? or kelapa maybe? this is something new i have to try. ada kat trg as well or just in kelate?

Shina said...

i always remember it served in one plate - keplok like that. YOU get how much you paid for. the white thing is kelapa. What is msian kueh industry without kelapa and sugar...

Sahur time now - pulut dah habis :)

Anonymous said...

Sorilah silap bagi recipe. Anyway, I did warn you that it was a guess. Never tried it before. Tapi nampak macam jadi aje.