Sunday, June 12, 2011

Serimuka durian

I saw a picture of this in someone's FB wall and it looked so delicious. Found the recipe in Buku resipi 1Hari 1Resipi (Hanieliza) and tried it. The recipe works!

Bahan A (lapisan bawah)

2 cawan beras pulut

2 cawan santan cair (1 box of instant santan + water)

½ sudu the garam

Bahan B (Lapisan atas)

2 cawan santan pekat

1 cawan gula perang

5 ulas durian

½ cawan tepung gandum

½ cawan teung jagung

1 tea spoon gula pasir (jika perlu *Didn’t use)

½ teaspoon garam

Bahan A

  1. Wash and soak pulut for a few hours.
  2. Add all bahan pulut into Loyang and kukus till cooked.
  3. Sapu a bit of oil into a different lyang and press the cooked pulut into it.

Bahan B

  1. Blend santan pekat, gula perang and durian.
  2. Sieve both tepung into the blended mixture.
  3. Add sugar and salt. Mix well.
  4. Heat in non stick pan until ‘naik wap’
  5. Pour Bahan B onto pulut, steam for 30 minutes (medium fire).
  6. When cooked, cool for 4 -5 hours. Cut and serve.

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